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Magnetic Places in the Cities

15 Mart 2011 16:03 tsi
Magnetic Places in the Cities Magnetic field applications between physical and metaphysical dimensions, which is a new technology, have been started as a test. These magnetic These magnetic field applications are applied in some cities that had been selected particularly.

Magnetic Places in the Cities

Magnetic field applications between physical and metaphysical dimensions, which is a new technology, have been started as a test. These magnetic These magnetic field applications are applied in some cities that had been selected particularly.

The application field of this dangerous weapon is the third world countries, especially the Muslim ones

As a consequence of these magnetic field applications, the headache and parapraxis over the people of the region where the fields are applied have been witnessed. These symptoms were seen not only older people, but also younger people.

There are some vulgar superstitions in our society, like passing under the ladder, jumping over somebody etc. In the cities, if the people pass through some certain points of the city, the magnetic waves attack on the people’s minds. These have negative effects on the people. People who incur those magnetic waves forget the planned activities in his/her mind, and reset his/her brain.

These operations are carried out through advanced technologic devices, instead of simple machines, like cell phones. This weapon of magnetic fields is applied in the regions, where the strategic institutions of a country are located. 

For instance, assume that there is a courtroom where a crucial case for the country is held. Through this magnetic weapon, there is the effort to change the future of the case. Let’s think that, there is a lawyer who attends at this court. This lawyer incurs a harsh headache and forgets all of the information regarding the arguments of advocacy.

Have these operations been applied during the university entrance exams, which are vital for a lot of young people?

I am omitting the other strategically important institutions. Let’s raise this question: is this magnetic field application implemented in the triangle of Prime Ministry, Military Headquarter, Parliament buildings in Ankara?

Had speeches in the secret meetings in Utah, Pennsylvania and Georgia of U.S.A. been done concerning this new technology?

The re-making of the conscious and erasing the content of the conscious of the human through the waves sent into the brain have been examines by the scientific researchers, and the articles on this issue were published.

Those studies were censored and introduced to the public after the changes in the topic. The studies were introduced to the public under the name of “damages of the cell phones and laptops over the human brain”. Thus, the magnetic field weapon was hindered.

The secret reports include the following information: the discovered antidote against this weapon is heving a warm shower and resting for an hour in such a room, where no machines releasing the magnetic waves like TV, cell phone, computers are located.

We advise that, those who have important schedules should apply the abovementioned antidote.

Oktan Keleş


Türkçesi İçin: http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=577

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