En Sıcak Konular


6 Mart 2015 09:09 tsi


"The Turkish child will be encouraged as long as he continues to know his ancestor well."

The 18th part of Kulbak Bilge that has been published by Oktan Keles with the title of ''Turk doesn't forget his ancestor,didn't forget, will not forget''  has been read by one million people in 3 days.http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=3914  

Kulbak Bilge novel serie has been revealing  new secrets about world history and especially  about Turkish history,also the serie has been opening  new contemplation doors and has been reaching larger masses.

The unknown about Turkish history was declared for the first time by Oktan Keles.Photos and video footage was a good answer to the ones who say ''HISTORY MADE WITH DOCUMENT''

Gazi Pasha says '' The Turkish child will be encouraged as long as he continues to know his ancestor well''.It was understood once again that how Gazi Pasha's declaration is significant.We have understood better Turkish history with Oktan Keles's new research documents and results. We have understood better  what Gazi Pasha wanted to say us.

West thinks most of  hero,myth or legend belong to them but actually taken from Turks.In time inshallah they will ocur…

History starts with Turks…

According to  the new documents which were published by Oktan Keles we learned that the original Knights of the Round Table stolen from Turks.


It was proved accurately that King Arthur,Galganus,Round Table Knights passed to the West from the Turks according to newly published documents.

Kulbak Bilge's 18th part "TURK DO NOT FORGET HIS ANCESTOR" should get out  all over the world by Kalperens.All these documentary videos will be broadcast in English and German on our website soon inshallah..

We thank all our friends who provide full support to us since the website 16 Yıldız(16 Stars) was first established..,

May Almighty Allah be pleased with Oktan Keles…May Almighty Allah be pleased with all Erens(Saints,Allah's holy man).

May My Lord reward all them,May Allah bless them

The film has  just started…

 Erol Elmas    

Çeviri için Oya K.Karakuş'a teşekkür ederiz. 

Bu haber 6,784 defa okundu.


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