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25 Nisan 2014 10:41 tsi



The new product of demonic chosen intelligences. The role which is provided for the new religion mentality.  

1- Reseting the conscious, memory and intelligence first.

2- Then creating a conscious by processing their own sensibility and mentality into the intelligence and memory of the mankind.

All arguments regarding a man of the world, including all informations about religious cults are available inside the mankind conscious which are planned to be erased. Hereby, launching a new age by making some chosen world population with a kind of consciousness apocalypse.

The objective main plan is to launch a new history by removing the memory of the complete world, in other words, seperating the world history from mankind knowledge.

But there are new concepts and contents available that, the system which based upon destroying all history with the lie story of "starting history".

Think like this:

* A new systematic conscious is constituted inside a human structure which is made to forget all mankind knowledge, history of the world and all of the existing informations.

* This new generated conscious is going to have a begining point in any case. In other words, the first begining after the zero point is a history development. We mention about a conscious that destroys even this begining which has neither "yesterday" nor any informations in respect of yesterday.

*Moreover, this human is going to have neither the future nor the fortune consciousness. This human is going to live only for "today" and will live with the commands which were planned for today.

* There will be no future expectation for a human who doesnt have any "future


Please pay attention to this sentence.

*If human has future knowlegde, he is going to have future expectations, then take the initiatives, make plans and make a move to make these future expectations real.

For this reason, the "Singularity Planners" experimentalize the systems for the use of not letting anyone to construct their own future, cut their relationship with the future and avoid them to get experience from their past, history. Their gradual changeover formula is still at testing process.

It's essential for a conscious which has neither the past nor the future to live only for today, in other words, its necessary to close the parameters of sensation, feeling and intelligence to the past and the future. They have so many existing plans which will make the people live in this way and percieve "today" as their religion.

The issue has so many details but give you only a few tangible examples.

* "No past" belief is processed into the conscious. "There is only today,only the moment which you are living right now"

* It's sin to remember "There was yesterday" and needs to be punished by extermination penalty.

* "No future as well". Recalling "There will be tomorrow" also needs to be punished by extermination penalty.

* Hereby, a new generation will be formed which lives like primate monkey and never makes any plans regarding the future.

* The Demonics design the future for the use of this generation. The next generation will be monopolized as well if they design the future. Of course in their own opinion...

* His nibs Yunus Emre's this saying came back to my memory.

"The right time is this time, this time is the right time"

In that case, we must evaluate our time in the best way that to keep the future outside some powers' control. Inside the regulation of Allah, there will be owners for each period. Sometimes the periods are embraced by cruels and sometimes by believers... For example, once upon a time, the periods were embraced by believers like Zulkarneyn, Suleyman(a.s) and for another time, the periods were embraced by cruels like Nimrod and Buhtunnasr... Let's get back to our subject.

A few plans from the content of Singularity.

1- All intelligences must be adjusted to same level.

2- All mankind consciousness must be destroyed.

3- This process must be conducted gradually as its a new movement or new


4- They will push the people who are not involved in science, for living with the psychology of being noneffective and the complex of inferiority owing the idea of "Science goes the way ahead".

5- Genius, intelligents and scientists must be eliminated.

6- Two different opposite communities must be constituted: "Super Brains" and "Noneffectives".

7- People must be suggested and convinced that they will become immortal under favour of the science's advanced circumstances.

8- To declare unifiying beheaded body of a person after depfreezing process. (Supposed miracle of unifying the head and the body after beheading. An anti-christ characteristic.)

*The article 8, is the counter operation against sword of the Prophet Davut which beheaded Calut, will be clarified inside the "Asa" book inşallah. (Asa was released after this article has been published on the website)

9- Digital Science's getting hold of human body and appearance. Creating semi-machine (parts are made of plastic)  human first begining from the intelligence.

10- Creating image of "The secret of longevity is revealed" (Defeating the mortality) Hereby, there will be no day of reckoning.

11- Increasing the reliability of this operation by showing the chosen famous people as a volunteer during trial process. Ray (Raymond) Kurzw eil is the person who heads this operation. Ray Kurzweil is the 9s Council candidate of the World Great Diabolique Organisation. Among first 21 candidates.. A dark prince of the science world...


Singularity Phylosophy:

* Show the nonexistent as the existent.

* An anti-christian approach.

* Impressing the mankind by showing miracles (scientific)

* Themes of Heaven and Hell.

* The projects of creating fake heavens on the earth.

* Singularity Philosophy promises the heaven to people during the lifetime who deserve it, the places which are planned to be built with term of technologic simulator heaven...

Our Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.v) saying which is related to anti-christ, just flashed in our memory.

"Anti-christ will show dissuading heaven to whomever will see anti-christ. Noone shall reach out that heaven. That heaven is hell in reality and it's the heaven which anti-christ will show as hell." He commands.

This person (Ray Kurzweil) desires to get beheaded and cloned. As the symbol that Prophet Davud's beheaded Calut.

The step of propagating this movement's existence is on the agenda yet.With reference to the information we get, there is one more person who is assigned as "Responsible of Istanbul", "R.C. Dawkins". He is in preparation period for the activities of propagating their new movement addressing youth and high-society which is so familiar with science fiction first. (under the name of "secrets inside the world of plants and animals".) Do not be amazed when you hear the teachings and lessons of conscious cleansing from several youth or persons as they are narcotize with opium in the near future. Our age is expecting so many developments. The subject is so detailed. We want to create an awareness against the hazard of a new movement which has just started as a harmless stuff. Because it becomes very easy to make consciousness hunting by using both the science and technology.

The main obstacle they met is Kur'an instructions. That's why they want to erase this discipline from the memories and -destroy all religions indeed- Remember the person who says "We can not do anything unless we deprive them of Kur'an"... Methods and technics are changed but the aim is still same. In spite of every action, Allah has a plan as well! But the creatures must fulfill their own responsibility.

With Kind Regards...

Oktan Keleş


(**) The relevant article which is published in Hurriyet Newspaper.

Seeking after the immortality with 250 pills!

The wisest futurologist who is still alive: I will live for 120 years, beat

the mortality!...

The American scientist and futurologist Ray Kurzweil who is described as "THE BIGGEST OPINION MACHINE" by worldwide famous Forbes Magazine, gave an interview to Hurriyet Newspaper during the "The Immortality Summit". Kurzweil who gets 250 pieces of vitamine and assistive drug and 8-10 glasses of alkaline water, claimed he will live for 120-150 years and the target is immortality.

RAYMOND Kurzweil... Leading scientist, inventor, futurologist, novelist and entrepreneur whose name's reshined in last few weeks, stays on headline of international press for years. We had a conversation with Kurzweil during"The Singularity Summit" which is organized in New York. Kurzweil gave the interview which is awaited impatiently who gave the inspiration to this meeting by himself. The meeting of Singularity Summit which is organized since 2006, organized in New York on 3rd and 4th of October of this year. The origin point of metting is "Technologic Evolution" book of Kurzweil which was written in 2005.

Thousand people gathered from scientist, academist, philosopher,economist have joined the meeting by paying minimum 500 USD. The subjects, related to technologic evolution particularly the immortal life and artificial intelligence were discussed. When we tell him looks like 40 who is 61 in own biography, he gives the answer, " I look after

myself very well, otherwise would my articles and sayings be convincing if i get old early?"

Stomach like a medicine cabinet

Kurzweil emphasises his target is " To catch the immortality". thats why he holds his complete body under control. His stomach is like the medicine cabinet. He takes more or less 250 vitamine and assistant drugs per a day, drinks 8-10 glasses of alkaline water and 10 glasses of green tea and red wine. Never touch to coke drinks and coffee. The meals are vegetable, fruit, fish and meat without fat based on organic foods. Prefers olive oil while cooking. He records all the things he wines and dines, does exercises without delay. This saying resembles slimming cures till this point but there is a difference. The target is not only extending his lifetime but also beating the mortality. He says he is given an injection perodically in order to change "bio-chemical programme" of the body.

He will be awakened in the future

So what will happen if Kurzweil will "taste the morality" as all other living creatures shall pass away?" He has an agreement with the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. He will be kept inside the nitrogen until the medical technology of the future will awake him if he dies. He received the medals and awards from the previous presidents of US,Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagen and Bill Clinton. He made the annual opening statement of the United Church in Connecticut with Barack Obama who was just the presidential candidate in 2007.

What will happen in 2039?

In article "The law of Acceleration Returns", Kurzweil claims the capacity of technology will be billion times more than the moment in 2039. These are the allegations which is going to be done by humans which will transform into cyborg (semi-human, semi-machine) with the technology.

Only virtual sex... Able to write a complete book just in minutes. Able to run as fast as the olympic athletes. Able to stay under the water without breathing for 4 hours. Only virtual sex is possible. The computer which you will buy for 1000$ in 2045 will be billion times stronger than human brain.

The small laboratory machines called "Blood Nanobot" will destroy the cancer tumors, microbes, viruses and cure congelation by entering the body. It is going to be possible to produce the blood with "respirocytes" artificial polycythemia cells by using 5.26 microned machines.

Nanomedical machines will find and cure the damaged bones and ailing visceral organs. Respiration and lung diseases will be clearly cured. Trailless surgery operations will be possible.

We extended their lifetime 550 percent.

Ray Kurzweil is being checked up often, interfere the illness and organ defects. That's why he repeats his claim: "Anti-aging cure is possible but it's not easy if it's based on inherited reasons. We extended the lifetimes of two wing fruit insects 550 percent with genetic modifications. Just started the preparations for performing on human body. I will have a lifetime between 120-150 years. I can live forever if the immortality theory will become real until that time.

Our organs origin comes from Stone Age, Steel Skeleton is better

Kurzweil declared his ideas in Singularity Summit:

Mechanic Cells

Mankind has two options. The body that we were born with and the other option which we can get by way of technology. The bones' material of human skeleton is not good enough. The steel skeleton is much better. Natural cells will be replaced by hard working processor cells. The organs which are put inside the human body like artificial legs and

arms are more durable and stronger than the organs which were borninside us.

Beethoven Robots

We will experience the age of "Thinking Robots" on next 30-40 years Sensitive, conscient robots will dive into our life. The robot servants will be used in 2060. Cyborgs will improve their success in different fields like Einstein, Beethoven and Shakespeare.

The wisest futurologist alive

Ray Kurzweil, called as "the wisest futurologist alive" by Bill Gates and "the greatest opinion machine" by Forbes Magazine, is an expert about many subject from artificial intelligence to health technologies. Either science or science-fiction authorities call him"genius". (Ray) Kurzweil  who is considered as "mastermind" in science and fiction-science world, was born in 1948, New York. He was graduated from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) after he received an education regarding computer science and literature. Kurzweil, who remains on the agenda for 35 years, was

In the recent times, Ray Kurzweil submits a topic in his conferences and scientific articles that imagine of "the people who wants to live forever" will be possible owing to nano technology in 25 years. In his opinion, the developments connected with genetic and computer technologies will let us to renew our "ruined organs which comes from Stone Age".


selected as "The Inventor of Year" in 1998, USA with the reading machine which was improved for visually challanged people and he's praised as "Dauphin of Thomas Edison" (Hurriyet Newspaper)

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