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British Deceitfulness

16 Ocak 2012 08:50 tsi
British  Deceitfulness British Deceitfulness Oktan Keleş is explaining with documents that Brits have been shamming for years

British  Deceitfulness

The most beautiful side of  having archives and interested in archiving is to divulge  nation’s historic memory out where it is hidden  and  dedicate it  to the nation.Featured  matter in here is;the first,if the archives have been kept in a place/saved for the nation,the second  if  the archives can be  divulged.

Thanks to Allah,we have a very serious,very important archive.Dedicating  these archives to  the Turk nation make us happy.I am going to explain to you nearly centenerian deception with its documents now.

The matter must be understood well so I am going to talk about an operation how the western countries effect the colonial countries.These kinds of operations were called “peri”(fairy) at the time of Teşkilat-i Mahsusa(an intelligence organization at the Ottoman period);and now, in this period’s intelligence,they are named these kinds of operations”No 183” .What are these?

Super powers does  pseudo/so-called operations like these because they want to effect the other countries.They always  use  the visual and written media.They want to make the other countries feel theirselves inferiority complex,and also they want to  evoke admiration for themselves.After these kinds of operations the other countries,the other societies think that “Wow,look at the men,how they are making progress in science,in sports,etc.”

Now we’re deciphering an operation like this:There was a topic almost in every newspaper in Turkey,on april,8,2010;the headline in some newspapers:”British discoverers  discovered   pseudo/so-called  giant lizard that has double penis.” Here are two examples from the headlines.Details following:

GIANT  LIZARD SPECIES FOUND  IN THE PHILIPPINES.The discoverers of the British journal Biology Letters  discovered a new species of giant lizard about 2 meters long .The new species which is called Varanus bitatawa  has got black-blue skin and  green-yellow stripes.The discoverers say the giant lizard is living in the valleys of northern Luzon Island and the tribespeople hunt the lizard for its meat and the habitat is being destroyed continuously.

NEW SPECIES OF LIZARD WITH DOUBLE PENIS The discoverers of the journal Biology Letters  discovered  a new lizard  about 2 meters long which has got double penis.The new lizard is closely related to the Komodo Dragon in Indonesia but the new species is vegetarian,fruit-eating,it is not a carnivore.The new species  is called Varanus bitatawa.This new species body and legs are blue-black colored and green&yellow striped.Like some other lizards and snakes this new species has double penis and the two penises are often used in alternation during intercourse.

You can say”Uh what’s wrong with that?” or not.Majority opinion:” Here you are.Brits are enormous men,their  discoverers/biologists have discovered a new species giant lizard which has double penis.They are expert at discovering.Take a look at ourselves.We are unable to feed two chickens!”Now let’s read the article which was published in Ottoman Resimli Gazete,in 1927.Let’s look at the topic.Is the article looking familiar to you?We aren’t talking about 2011,we are talking about 1927.

The Ottoman Turkish headline  is“A British man/traveller discovered a new animal in the middle of  Africa

Ottoman newspaper  are writing these:”British discoverers discovered a giant dragon-lizard in Africa.”Look at Allah’s predestination that the discoverers are always the Brits.Now please think about the Ottoman society;whoever reads this headline  in that period says:”Wow!Europians discovered a new giant lizard,a monster  like dragon  in foreign states.They are inaccessible,we can’t reach them man!”Now please pay attention the  lizard in the Ottoman newspaper:

Look at the lie in the article:This lizard is a Komodo Dragon which lives in Galapagos Islands.It isn’t found in Africa.Of course if you think about that period’s conditions,it is easy to convince/put across,it’s easy to make society astonished.

We’re coming today.The British discoverers  are discovering the same lizard again  to make us astonished/admired 100 years later .Science is progressing everyday,so it isn’t easy for us to believe these kinds of news.So that reason they are finding attractive  news ,they are making the news attractive with  these sentences ‘ “double penis lizard” was discovered’, sorry for repeating this.They are making the news attractive so we can believe.Hey British discoverers,we know the discoveries you did 100 years ago,too.

All of them are stories,these are the old old same stories.We researched the places which was talked about in the newspaper.Our Turk friends in England told us that there wasn’t a new species lizard,this news is completely false/fake and they confirmed this is an operation numbered 183.

My grandfather’s grandfather  had told:”My son,keep these informations,whatever the enemies are doing today they do the same thing 100 years later.”I deciphered  Brits false/sham/fake discoveries  as a grandson.We have eyes like a hawk,va  as-salam.

Yours Respectfully

Oktan Keleş




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