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Is Everything Going to Start From Istanbul?

5 Ocak 2012 09:57 tsi
Is  Everything Going to  Start From Istanbul? What is Melami Savaslari(Melami Wars) telling us?

The  article Oktan Keles had written ;”New Macca(Mecca-Makkah):Both Two Films Are Together(http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=1217) touched  a sore spot.This written article “verbalized” what everybody “was considering”,it expressed our feelings.He touched a raw nerve.He   made us become aware and wake up what has been  happening openly.
A friend of Allah was saying  about Kaaba:”Kaaba is World’s most honoured ,most sacred,most holiest  place that  looks to La Makan,Alam al-Gaib(unseen and unknown world).Spirits’ supplication and regard  go  to La Makan from Kaaba.
This sacred place  is the appearing  door of La Makan in makan.Prayers,wishes are accepted in there;to the presence of Allah is gone  from there.Kaaba is the most visitable,much frequented  place for the  Angels and for the friends of Allah,The Walis. Hazrat Muhammad’s(pbuh) Night Journey(The Isra and Mi’raj) started from there,Rasullullah’s message has spread from there all over the world.Kalamullah(Quran) revealed  on these lands to Rasullullah  who has purified heart.Everything is relaxed,the sky is very near to the human in there.Every atomy of the soil glorifies Allah in there because of the majesty of the Kalamullah.Kaaba is the  maqam(sacred place) that  millions run to the contentment(rida)  of Allah and they  are turned  away from sin and they turn to Allah so they are purified from their sin in this maqam.There isn’t any moment  for that  maqam  hasn’t been surrounding  by people.The place(the makan)  of La Makan is Baytullah.The soils that Rasullullah’s sacred feet  touched,the air that Rasullullah’s sacred heart  breathed is that air.That maqam  is the origin of Allah’s  Compassion,Allah’s Mercy,al-Rahmat…”
The friend of Allah is expressing these about Baytullah.Today we aren’t silent,we aren’t stop speaking  because we saw the disrespects to The Sacred Maqam.Our  objection is to the disrespect that is being done to this holiest makan,to this sacred place.Our objection is to whom want to make  Kaaba  very small between  giant buildings,we are against all with our everything.Our hatred is to whom want to touch this sacred place’s spirit with their dirty hands.All the world knows Turks ‘ respect to the Kaaba.Look at the Ottoman colonnades,all of them are shorter than height of the Kaaba.Look at the manners,to the politeness!And look at the buildings Jewish King had built…
Oktan Keles  was mentioning in his article about a story: The story was about Pharaoh  wanted  from Haman to build a tower to reach to  the sky.When we look at the SKYSCRAPERS around the  Kaaba today,we see Pharaohs and Hamans are  in harness  again.SKY-SCRAPER,like Pharaohs wish about reaching to the sky…While I was thinking about these,Oktan Keles’s book “Melami Savaslari”,its cover  caught attention of me.I thought  there are a lot of similarities between his last written article and the cover of Melami Savaslari.


  There are two high towers side by side on the cover of the book.One of them has Jewish symbol and the other one has Christians symbol.Two towers’  target ,their swords had been drawn towards to sky!There was seen “a lightened  arrow  shooting the sky” on one of the tower.In just the same way:As Gog and Magog (Ya’juj and Ma’juj) shooting the sky…

This arrow had been shot to the sky as  they are saying in the way that ”We got the earth and now it’s time to get  the sky” Two people dressed  Arab were shooting the arrows in their hands  under the other tower.I wonder who are they?It is being told in Quran how  Pharaoh made bold  to reach to  the sky:“And Pharaoh said,’Council,I know not that you have any god but me.Kindle me,Haman,a fire upon the clay,and make me a tower,that  I may mount up to Moses’ god;for I think that he is one of the liars.”(Al-Qasas-38)

 As it is being told  in the Quran,Haman was  a man who lived at  the time of Moses and he was very close to Pharaoh,interested in construction works.The name Haman is being mentioned on a monument in Hof Museum in Vienna.

Today Hamans and Pharaohs are between us.Furthermore,they are building SKY-SCRAPER bottom of the Kaaba,the sacred place of  the sacred town.But their end is being  told in Quran:“And Korah,and Pharaoh,and Haman;Moses came to them with the clear signs,but they waxed proud in the earth,yet they outstripped Us not.”(Al-Ankabut-39)Finally;Oktan Keles’s book Melami Savaslari,on this book’s cover  KIZ KULESI(MAIDEN’S TOWER) was being seen amongst other two towers.Symbol of Istanbul.In connection with Turks.Turks are going to activate again in the end of the world with the permission of Allah.Turks are going to gird  Hakk’s(Allah’s) sword again  as they have been doing since the early ages,since the beginning.

What was  Ilhami Abi telling about Istanbul;“Outwardly Istanbul was the capital city of Ottoman Empire and it is the maqam of Caliphate all the other Islam countries were directed.Macca and Medina were directed from Istanbul in those years,too.The castle was Istanbul.…

In the end of the world  Turk Nation is going to reach the strongest ages as  the two orphan boys  and the world is going to be directed from Istanbul that has Sacred(Holy) Relics(sign the treasure under the wall).”Is everything going to start from Istanbul


Erol Derman



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