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The Devil that We Cut His Head With His Own Sword!

14 Ekim 2014 08:47 tsi
The Devil that We Cut His Head With His Own Sword! Why Rolls Royse company was sponsored for the movie “Untold Dracula” with 10 million dollar?

                 The Devil that We Cut His Head With His Own Sword!

Why Rolls Royse company was sponsored  for the  movie  “Untold Dracula” with 10 million dollars?Why was this sponsorship was hide?Why was this information not appeared in the media?

Now let’s write a summary:

It is told in Dracula movie fragment:

In the film “Untold Dracula” which has being released in 3 October 2014,it is told the story of the war between Dracula and Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror.The film is featuring fantastic elements.In the film the story of how Dracula defended  his land with  the help of the supernatural powers,how Dracula defended his land against the Turkish army.The film starts with the sentence:

’’Sometimes the world does not need a new  hero,sometimes what it needs is a monster’’ and goes on telling Dracula becomes a vampire to save his family and land.The story’s sort of an origin story,the story  who is known as Vlad the Impaler,the governer of Wallachia.The film is directed  by Gary Shore.This is his first performance.’Untold Dracula’s’ origin is the novel Dracula that was written by  Bram Stoker.The film mixes all Dracula stories with a historical and fantastic view.Stars Luke Evans,Dominic Cooper and Sarah Gadon.

General information like these,but what about the realities?

Hollywood production ‘Dracula Untold’ movie is supported by Pentagon obviously.The one has to be stupid to not to understand this.

From the  beginning to the end the film is based on to show Turks are the worst.It does not match with any historical reality.The work has started with an evil intent..This is loud and clear!

What do you think about the following sentence.We can not hear a sentence like this  even in comedy films!Dracula says to Sultan Fatih:

 “I will wipe you from the history books!” …Someone else anyway,moreover he  will wipe the Conqueror!!  The western world’s hostility has been coming from the history.The reson for  this hostility  is  the conquest of Istanbul.Shortly  Sultan Fatih deleted Byzantine from the stage of history…Byzantine went out of existence…So they have been trying  to delete Sultan Mehmed  the Conqueror with the movies from the stage of history…

The film shows Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror as a cruel,a tyrant  and an evil man from the begining to the end.And  the comedy is being carried  a step further;Sultan Mehmet is dying with the bite of  Vlad the vampire!!

Now!Here are the realities;

Who was this person that Hungarians say Dracula(Devil-Evil-Satan) ,Turks say “Vlad the Impaler?” Who was this person?

We have explained the details about Vlad the Impaler in our novel EMIR YILDIZ,in the section titled “Prophet Yahya’s arm-skull bones  (pbuh)  and Stefan’s sword. http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=1955

Hollywood has become involved in so it is understood that they want to cut in,they want to impede the rise of Turk and it is appearent that films will come in a row that contain Turkish hostility.

In our novel EMIR YILDIZ,in the section titled “Prophet Yahya’s arm-skull bones  and Stefan’s sword ,in consclusion:

“Vlad the Impaler loses his head in 1476.Vlad’s head  cut off with his own sword and the severed head  brought to Istanbul.The sword of  Vlad which  was cut off his head goes to cousin Stefan.And it is called as Stefan’s sword.This sword is in Topkapi Palace and they want the sword from us constantly.

We said that “Those who want this sword are Vlads present relatives.and one of his relatives is “The current Prince of Wales,the first heir of British Royal throne, Prince Charles”


Now have you understood why Rolls Royce company donated 10 million dollars to the movie ‘Dracula Untold’?

And additionally prophet Yahya’s skull and arm bones that are exhibited in the section of Holy Relics at Topkapi Palace,they do not belong to prophet Yahya !Again the skull and the arm bones do not belong to prophet Yahya!!We said that “This is completely a canard,these  bones belong to Vlad III,famous Vlad the Impaler ” and told the story about him.

Vlad the Impaler who signed many atrocities had a grudge against the Ottomans.The reason is Vlad’s  father pawned little Vlad to Ottomans .In other words Vlad grew up as a prisoner.

Then III.Vlad became voivode(prince) of the principality of Wallachia.And III. Vlad  was going to pay taxes to Sultan Fatih for this principality  every year.In the beginning everything was going well,everything was all right.Vlad  continued his position from1456 to 1462.But Vlad was becoming a monster.He started to be notorious because he was impaling his  opponents and the prisoners.He refused to pay tax to Sultan Fatih  after 1459,he impaled Fatih’s envoys and he nailed the envoy’s quilted turbans to their heads.

As soon as Sultan Fatih heard these events he went for  a war with Ottoman army to voivode  of  Wallachia in 1462.

After the defeat of the armies of III.Vlad,Wallachia became a part of  the Ottoman Empire again.During these attacks Vlad escaped to Transylvania that was a principality in  Hungary.Hungarian king didn’t give Vlad shelter and locked him down.However Vlad’s imprisonment and exile period ended in1474.He returned to Wallachia with his cousin Stefan Cel Mare (Stefan the Great) and Vlad was declared voivode  in 1476.

Vlad’s cousin Stefan Cel Mare(Stephen the Great) is said to have impaled - skewered by the navel ,diagonally one on top of each other Turkish prisoners in 1473.And then  that person has been declared a sanctuary.They sainted this man.That’s vaunted Stefan nowadays.

His nation called Vlad  “Dracula” which means ‘Evil-Satan’.And author Bram Stoker immortalized Dracula by his novel called ‘Dracula’.So Vlad was turned into to the famous Count Dracula,many legends derived and movies  were made.

I wonder why the Devil’s new movies are being made?

In the mind cruel,blood shed Turks ,connections between Muslims-ISIS(also known an ISIL)!

At the time of Turks have been beginning  to rise,Pentagon-supported Hollywood films are passing attack.

National Geographic documentaries can be watched about vampires…

Some light cinema critics-screen  writers  say: ”What’s wrong with that,what’s the big deal my dear..?It is just a fantastic movie! ”…Here it is! You see..What do I say them?

Erol Elmas

Twitter: @emiryildizdan  

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