En Sıcak Konular


3 Aralık 2010 11:21 tsi
WIKILEAKS, OTHERSIDE OF THE  COIN.. This is a critical operasion regarding to the region. Can MEDUSA, the cod name of it?



1- Hillary Clinton, has confirmed the truthfulness of the documents recently published by Wikileaks.
This statement is out of routine procedures. While the whole world expected that Hillary Clinton would deny these documents, her confirmation of the authenticity of the documents gave the imagination that the USA is in an insolvent position.
2- The main aim of the first hand confirmation of the documents is to increase the credibility of Wikileaks.
This means that, all documents published from now on on wikileaks will be accepted as true.
3- The target of this project is the Middle East in general and especially TURKEY!
What do we mean? Looking at the published documents we can see that the target is: Islamic World, Middle East, partially the Caucasus and Asia. This operation is aimed against the governments and administrations of states mentioned above! The aim of this large-scale operation is to both shake and destroy reliance of citizens against their own governments.
Even some commonplace attributions  to Nicolas Sarkosy and Silvio Berlusconi doesn’t change this fact because such attributions are often seen in the popular press of their own countries.
That means, “We even shock Europe.” This is a totally diversion. The real target is primarily Turkey, Iran and the states in that region.
This operation is the manifestation of USA which is at a deadlock in the region mentioned above.  With causing a domino effect, the US is trying to coerce regional countries. It gives  the signal of becoming even more shameless.
 5- Israel is involved in the operation. This operation is organized by a group against OBAMA,  and aims the American government.
6- States communicate with each other on the background and may sometimes secretly and sometimes openly express their thoughts. This is of course natural. For example two states have an agreement and gradually announce this to their public. These are natural diplomatic procedures.  
7- This diplomatically unethical revelation by Wikileaks can’t be seen as an ordinary act. This may be the foreplay of a global censorship against the Internet. This kind of operations are planned to kill more birds with one stone. One stone is not thrown just for one bird.
8- What will be the next move? Could the next target be an attack on NATO, World Bank or any other organization in this category?
What is the role of energy and energy strategies at the point where Sun starts to rise from The East?
9- Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, has a bad reputation. In his crime report child abuse in a secret ritual is seen.
Why his communications with Israel Lobby and his routine correspondence with Jewish Prof. John Mearsheimer, of stock, and Prof. Stephen Walt  are masked? Why any detailed information about Julian Assange is not known by people?
10- This is the first screen of a “Satanic Plan”. Turkey should never use the published materials in internal affairs. These documents must be evaluated as an operation to block “Great Turkey” target. Unethical behaviors of the administration should be criticized by Turkish public.
 This is a serious operation in this region. “OPERATİON MEDUSA” Is this the codename of the operation?
11- Why there is no information about the VATICAN in the documents published by Wikileaks? What would happen if there were any, what would be their impact?  Have some centers audited/screened the files in beforehand?







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