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The Hidden Side of The Philadelphia Experiment

2 Mayıs 2014 08:10 tsi
The Hidden Side of The Philadelphia Experiment The Hidden Side of The Philadelphia Experiment


The Hidden Side of The Philadelphia Experiment    


Oktan Keleş unveils how The Philadelphia Experiment was performed in his book ''Asa'', which causes so many discussions and somehow the mystery still not solved. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Experiment )  

The section related to subject, in ''Asa'' book: (pg. 280,281,282)   

- Philadelphia... Well-known ''Philadelphia Experiment''. The trick which deceived whole world as it is the teleportation test of US Army...      

I got so excited because of this explanation. I proceed to listen impatiently. The grandfather Veysel has waited silently without words for a while.   


Latif Father has started to talk with waggery:     

- Come on big brother Veysel, do not burst us with curiosity.  

- '' I've been showing patience for many years.'' he said by looking at Latif Father. ''Can't you wait for only two minutes?'' This kind of scientific test has never been performed. The real truth is, an illusion was made by the illusionists of Pentagon in front of the Russian, English and Japanese Armies' exclusively selected commanders' eyes with ''Top Secret'' hype, under the deceit name of ''Scientific Teleportation Experiment''. According to their pretense, the warship was disappeared by the devices which was improved by US scientists.     

Latif Father;    

- Hasn't the ship been disappeared? Hasn't it been teleported?   

- It was disappeared; but not by teleportation. Disappeared by illusion. This event has been a subject to military catalogues, books, magazines and scientific articles for years. I used to smile everytime when it came into question but i couldn't explain. My deceased master who disciplined me, also used to know this fact. He used to be the Chief of Magic Unit and confided me this secret with the related documents but there was no permission to expose it owing to a divine wisdom. Now there is a signature of İlhami respecting the time has come to reveal it.      


There has happened a short silence again and Latif Father asked to grandfather Veysel.   

- To where the exposure of this information was related?    

The answer was like a bomb effect:     


- To David Copperfield.     


- What is the connection with this Kabbalist juggler, my big brother?  

- That juggler has conjured The Statue of Liberty away and the exposure was related to this event. The people's conscious wouldn't accept this case and ridicule, if someone would tell them '' The Warship in Philadelphia was disappeared by illusion, not teleportation'' before this event has happened. David has conjured away an object which is more difficult than a ship by illusion. There is a conscious of mankind and society; but this conscious is not relevant with the culture knowledge which is related to. This is a common consciousness. These subjects are more detailed. Let's do not digness. Shortly, either The Statue of Liberty or the warship in ''Philadelphia Experiment'' was disappeared in same method. The people who watched this experiment, have been deceived and this test has taken it's part in literature due to these people.     

I shyly asked:     

- So, how could they make this illusion?     

The grandfather Veysel showed me the documents and all secrets of this method over the paper. He shortly told me these words. 

This is a comprehensive team work. Disappearing The Statue of Liberty: The material which is invisible in the air, sort of a gas, is perfused into the area of statue by helicopter.Then, a gelatinious screen is formed in the air which is not able to be seen by a human eye and display of the Statue of Liberty which was recorded before, is reflected onto this invisible screen by special movie players.  

As this invisible screen is out front of the statue, the movie which is played on the screen provides the statue not to be seen by the audiences. Everyone suppose that there is not a statue anymore. Because the screen, i mean the screen which is invisible and out front of the statue, shows the backside display of the statue. In the time which is adjusted second by second, the helicopter moves towards the darkside of statue and the display of the helicopter which was instantly recorded, appears on the invisible screen. By the way, the real helicopter hides itself with the smoke bomb during the synchronized seconds and moves to the behind of statue. During this period, helicopter display on the screen passes and the audiences who watch this event at the both sides of the statue, see the same display. The real helicopter lands on the surface and the people are fooled.  

The Kabbalists desire to give a message by conjuring The Statue of Liberty away. ''Your liberty is in our control''. This statue is an object which is selected purposely. The warship in Philadelphia was disappeared by an easier method and illusion. Shortly, it was not teleported.  

This is called ''Optical Blindfolding''. And also there are some people for blindfolding that they prepare the conscious of humans with the terms of magic and mysticism first. They show what they want to show with a gesture. This is the main, real hazard.  

The ''Philadelphia Experiment'' was placed into the memories as the teleportation of a warship by USA for many years. But I' ve just learnt that it's nothing else more than a simple illusion which is presented to mankind... 


Oktan Keleş 




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