En Sıcak Konular

Digital Evel Eye and Walking Recorders (Cabbala of Google-1)

13 Nisan 2013 21:00 tsi
Digital Evel Eye and Walking Recorders (Cabbala of Google-1) Oktan Keleş unveils a terrifying technology which is published on the world press for the first time.


The computers which are expected to become legal by Google and include the advanced level of technology. Only Google users will be able to use them exclusively. Surely contact lens computer technology. Nowadays the binocular featured computers which are produced as a special contact lens and the eye-tracking phones are started to be launched to the world market. It can be percieved as an ordinary thing for the technology's last situation even if it seems as an awasome information which we recieved at the moment.

Our main topic is not about the technology that we mentioned above. The developments which we noticed before will be understood as an ordinary thing beside the words that we are going to tell you right now.

The information which is taking place on world press for the first time is about an invention which can cause terrifying results in the future.

Now i want to call your attention to the news below.

The Mobile Phone is 40 years old

40 years passed over the first call was made with the mobile phone of inventor Martin Cooper.

By using Motorola DynaTac, Martin Cooper made the first call on a mobile phone at the 3rd of April in 1973. He used to work as an inventor for Motorola.

Cooper's 22 cm height mobile phone was more heavy than a kilogram, has 20 minutes talking time and could be fully charged in 10 hours.

The inventor Cooper deserved the Draper Prize Reward with his team which was given by the National Academy of Engineering. He pointed out an explanation in a technology magazine The Verge, that he made the first call to  his biggest competitor, Joel Engel from the Bell Laboratory.

The mobile phone was first used in 1973. The real question is when was it released to the world market?

We said for the several times that a new invention is never released immediately for common use. Firstly it is used for various purposes and then they release for the mankind as a mass-production by the infoleaks in the cyclical occasions of the market.

Now please remember the first mobile phones which was produced 15-20 years ago, called "Chock". People would laugh if you told them your phone is controlled by eye-motion.

But now it's technologically possible.

Today, these leaks are served to the mankind for interrupting the plans of infernals. But we mustn't forget "Allah only gives to the eager human-being"

Lets talk about our main issue.

The new Project of Google, " Black Tablets"

Do not misunderstand the words"Black Tablets", we know lots of the tabs in the market are also black. The reason of calling it black is realated with the aim of the project.

The prototype computer works with the laser principled lens that percieve the ultraviolet and infrared beams and encodes the human retina. In other words, it is impossible to access the computer by someone else but the owner after individually encrypted. There is also another principle of technology which provides to open the doors by scaning the retina but this is another story. It is different because there is no intervention to retina in this technic. Retina contains millions of cells. Some parts reflect the colours and the other parts reflect only black and white. Red is like a lamina and takes the name from this redness.

The working system:

Sit in front of the computer.  Activate the eye lens. Look at the eye lens appointed time long.  The eye lens takes the particular frequenced beams back with the information that was taken from your retina. And the difference starts from this point.
The intervention which is made to retina, loads extra energy to user's eye. (Imagine this energy in your own mind) We can not estimate the exact duration of effect. Maybe 1 hour maybe 1 day but definitely it's negative.   

And from now on, the eye is ready to break down or affect the devices easily.A hundred thousand people will try it for the first use. This 100.000 people will have a negative energy like a hypnotise. This situation reminds us the verses of the Kuran, doesn't it?

"Allah undoubtedly knows the false-hearted glance of the eye and what the heart hides in itself."  (Mümin 19)

"Those deniers were almost knocking you down with their eyes when they heard the Dhikr."  (Kalem 51)

The "eyes" decleration is used as a plural in the verses of the Kuran. A collective glance. Like a session. 100.000 person, 200.000 eyes. It may also be actualized with a million of people.

Do not be disregardful by calling it "Digital Evileye". Also the radiation that is spreaded by electronical and digital devices is proved scientifically. The most innocent side effects are deadness, weakness and dormancy. Now it's your turn to imagine what is going to happen if 100.000 people conducts their bad glances collectively to an exact point.

Red Eyes

Then lets think they will compose a philosophical movement like "Collective Rite of Google Red Eyes". I'm hearing like you tell me "Come on!". Anyway, we wrote this info for the suspicious readers. This "evileye glance" informations are coming strongly from very old times.

In time of our Almighty Prophet, Muhammed (s.a.v), there were some persons from the sons of Esed, who have evileye glances. They were eating nothing for 3 days, then look at the camel and say " I have never seen a camel like this". After telling these words the camel gets down and become ill. Polytheists ask this man to kill our Almighty Prophet with his glance but Allah has protected Muhammed (s.a.v) from his evileye.

All of these computer eyes will be connected and commanded by a main eye. Only that main eye will be able to see what you have seen before. Walking Recorders.
Eye becomes a camera. After a few process, that main eye commander will see what you are seing by using the satelite signal technology.

Which part of society will be able to buy these computers, we will see by the time but the thing what we surely know is this technology is used by someone at  the present time.

Record on Retina:

Platter record system. Stone plaque technology took its name of raw matterials, tar and sand at the en of 18th century. In other words, the sand and tar gave it's shape as a stone. This sentence is used because the raw of the sand is also stone . At this point our subject is about proving that its possible to imprison the voice waves into a material, it means "to record". not only voices but also the displays can be recorded on CD. So its very easy to load the computer functions onto lenses by nano technology. And now the object which is recored onto it with the same principle, is the retina of the eye. Don't say "it's impossible". This technology is available for the present time. There is a scientific method which is used for murder cases; the last scene is imprisoned on the apple of eye when the person is dead. Science people proved and also taking advantage of using this method. I' m just telling you.

The secrets on the Eye

Property of being an antenna of the human body is used for some devices and also act as a dinamo during his walking period.

Sighted part is the brain but what is the reason? It's the eye. It means the function of it. So, the sighted part is the eye. Brain percieves.

What can avoid that if there becomes a negative technologic evileye? For the hint, just think about the rubies which is used in watches and the computers.
Yes, what may be the answer? These technologies are just begining. In the coming days we will make you inform about the developments.

Ray Kurzweil and his team are at the head of these devilish projects. In other words, Singularitarians. (Singularity has no relation with the Scientology. Please do not mix up the concepts in your mind).

Now i have a question: Doesnt the secret of the Almighty Prophets hadiths become evident when you add the visuality to this technology and record a very nice film of heaven or hell on the retina? "Antichrist will show us the heaven and hell".  (Hadith)

The Muslims must modernize all their learnings about Antichrist, Lasttier, Gog-Magog, Zulkarneyn and the Messiah.

One Question: Why does the Google produce rings?

With Kind Regards

Oktan Keleş 


Çeviri için Zeki kardeşimize teşekkür ederiz. Allah razı olsun.

Not: Önümüzdeki dönem için çok önemli olan bu makaleyi, On Altı Yıldız dostları başta Müslüman ülkeler olmak  üzere tüm dünya medyası ile paylaşmalılar...




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