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Attention!From the bosom/lap of America in the heat of Turkey

4 Şubat 2012 09:33 tsi
Attention!From the bosom/lap of America in the heat of Turkey Who wants to lay the blame on Turkey after assassinated Assad?Oktan Keleş wrote…

Attention!From the bosom/lap of America in the heat of Turkey

Who wants to lay the blame on Turkey after assassinated Assad?Oktan Keleş wrote…

Attention!From the bosom/lap of America in the heat of Turkey

The lobby who wants to put in Turkey to Syria has continued its activities without stopping/unabated for a long time.A number of newspapers and TV channels,I get no news,not a word from them about Israel,they constantly place Syria and Iran to the target board.

In line with the plans of the U.S.A,the inner and outer lobbies,countries are continuing to get Turkey's blood up.From the bosom/lap of America in the heat of Turkey.

Let me remind you the article 'Head of Barzani'. ( http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=1281)Here is the first sign:The so-called Kurdish state would be declared in Nawruz.Of course this situation is only for to see how the land lies.This situation is a sign of Barzani's head has already gone. http://dunya.milliyet.com.tr/-21-mart-ta-kurt-devleti-ilan-edilebilir-/dunya/dunyadetay/02.02.2012/1497016/default.htm

Turkey is being pressed in different ways.The U.S.A and Israel are hand in hand.Now the point must be paid attention,the point we need to give special care at the moment:Recently in the external media some of the news are especially eye catching/remarkable.They say;"Turkey supports Syrian militia forces to overthrow Assad and for this Turkey took a lot of money from Qatar Emeer." Now this is being whispered in the ears.http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/planet/19816934.asp

Please remember the information of intelligence THE CODE:THE HOLE.What we said became true in exactly the same way.Thanks to Allah. http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=774

Now the risk/danger is that:The special units of Israel and America can assassinate to the Syrian Leader Assad and they can pass the buck/put the blame on Turkey.

If this happens,think about the chaos will be in Turkey and in the region.

A Turkish word of wisdom :" Wednesday surrounds/embroils in the bed sheet."


Oktan Keleş






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