Speaking to A.A, Oktan Keles, a Turkish researcher carrying out studies on the pyramids for some time, said that the ancient mausoleums were of great importance for Turkish history, besides, they had the potential to change the established approaches. "Once the materials inside the pyramids are examined by experts, history could be re-written," Keles said. Keles claimed that several symbols, statues and tablets inside the pyramids might belong to ancient Turks. Keles, who entered a tomb room in the historical structure under the guidance of a local Chinese man, said that he saw "wolf head" figures on a rock, as well as a 3-meter "horned head" statue made of granite which had "crescent and star" carvings. "The Chinese guide told me that the statue represented ancient Turkish leader Oguz Kaan," Keles noted.
The "Chinese Pyramids", located in north-west of Xi'an, on the Qin Chuan Plains in Shaanxi Province, are ancient mausoleums and burial mounds. Believed to be the burial places of various emperors and generals, the pyramids range in size from relatively tiny to rivaling the Great pyramid of Giza, sources say. Interest in Chinese pyramids was greatly increased by the 1994 publication of German author Hartwig Hausdorf's book "Die Weisse Pyramide", later translated into English under the revised title" The Chinese Roswell", in which he briefly describes his travels through China in search of the legendary great white pyramid of China
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