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Kulbak Bilge By Oktan Keleş, Part-4

7 Temmuz 2014 09:00 tsi
Kulbak Bilge By Oktan Keleş, Part-4 Kulbak Bilge By Oktan Keleş, Part-4

Kulbak Bilge By Oktan Keleş, Part-4

Kulbak bilge has been going on unveiling mysteries of Turkish history

A deepest talk has started in kıraathane* of  secrets. Teas were served,but Temir didn’t like tea  and he  asked  if there was  kumiss,a mare milk.Kulbak told them why they came.The record book was opened and the classified information was reviewed.There were information about historical eras in the thick book ; The book’s trustee was reading the information.One of them said:”There are similarities with Harut-Marut period”.The record book was reading a day in a week  to the frequenters. Everybody  was looking forward  for that day.While Demir Kagan was giving information about year 2014,he showed  the young boy,Latif, who was serving tea .Demir Kagan said:” This boy is going to be from the Aksakals/The elder wises.He and his friends are  going to satisfy  your every kind of need,but now he is unaware of everything.”Kulbak Bilge sighed and said:”Which of us is aware of what?”


Kulbak Bilge told to Demir Kagan about Gollon’s plans expatiatingly.Gollon was hand in hand wit satan and he was planing to destroy Turks.Demir Kagan asked:”He has been leaking his teachings from his erat o this era;he can’t do this with his travelers who have been travelling in eras,because the travellers can not pass middle ages. How can he leak information from his era to years 2000?It is difficult  for satan to put together a new  generetion.Kulbak Bilge answered this question making a grimace:  

 “Dreams old friend,dreams…Allah is The Witnesses…Every generation’s wises  have been screaming the  place down,they have been saying:”Don’t tell your dreams to the ones who aren’t able…But save your breath!!Dream collecters listen the dream and they  lower the dream from sky to the destiny basket according to their interpretation.

Prophet Muhammad  says(PBUH):”A bad dream,as long as it is not told,flies above you,but falls down and becomes true when it is told”

Demir Kagan said to Kulbak and Temir :”You must change your  clothes,because your clothes must   be accord with the era you go”…And he gave them some clothes…At first Temir didn’t want to change his clothes ,but he was persuaded.Demir Kagan didn’t  change Temir’s clothes completely and he told :”People think  that you are a majzoob,a tourist,a beggar or a dervish,anyway!Let’s go and let me give you the information  about the era you are going to go”

Your passing year is this year.You are going to come this year to have a rest.I will give you the information about the trees  which you are going to pass…Be careful!For example the trees  were cut down in Fatih mosque court  in 2012 so you can not find the trees in 2014,you can go from here,but you can’t turn,because there aren’t trees!!So note  the passing trees are in where in what year!!Don’t forget the places and the times of the trees.You can see some Assassins(Hashshashin) orders!!Be careful..You are going to the timeframe  that the unseen sometimes seen.I hope the big war will be covered.2014 is the hundreth year of 1st world war.Spirit,soil,light-nur,fire,water,gas…These  will ally to whom ,we don’t know,it’s not certain yet!!”

Wee hours of the night departure time has come.Kulbak Bilge gave the  herb that he brought from Otuken to Demir Kagan and said goodbye to each other.Demir Kagan smelled Otuken’s  herb longingly,put it up and exclaimed: ”For Otuken!!”

Latif  was guiding on the front   Kulbak Bilge and Temir who are going to pass to the year 2014.They were walking in the darkness and deserted  streets  of Istanbul.Kulbak Bilge meant thousands of years ago and said: ”Once upon a time Istanbul was Otuken forest”…Temir said:”Shit..Ballup”


Latif  found Brother Ilhami  in the Kiraathane of secrets after he showed the place of the tree.The umbrella was wet in his hand.Latif run,kissed his hand,took his  coat.He was loving Brother Ilhami very much like everyone.He prayed for Latif: ”May Allah give you servants,to the ones who serve you,to the ones who serve them when your beard get white..”

Young Latif answered bashfully:”You’re welcome ,not a bit Uncle Ilhami..”


Meanwhile Kulbak Bilge and Temir has arrived the tree,they were waiting fort he time.They had to go before sun rise.They were in Golden Horn.When Temir heard the name Golden Horn he asked:” Which Golden Horn?Our Golden Horn?In other words like our forefather Oguz Khan?”

Kulbak Bilge answered this question in the darkness of the night with an edifier ,enlightener information…LISTEN…GOLDEN HORN


  OGUZ KHAN-ZULQARNAIN mystery of Kayı Tamga(Seal)

O Turk!You know this mystery..Zulqarnain…Double horned helmet..Turk is the son of Maturat…And Zulqarnain is the son of Turk.Zulqarnain’s name was Oguz..Then he became a mighty person.He became Khan.He had a helmet on his head..The helmet’s mystery  is unknown.There were  double horn on the helmet like gold,but it wasn’t gold.It was shining like gold.So that reason Oguz called Zulqarnain in one of the eras.Nobody saw him without his helmet.It seems like the horns were attached on his head.There was a sign known “Kayı Tamga*” in the middle of his brows.When he knitted his brows the sign became visible.Kayı sign is taken from the God-gift sign between Zulqarnain  brows..Afterwards the sign appeared in the palm of Kayı Beys(Sirs).Hacı Ilbey,Koca Ilyas and his youngest son Hacı Ilbey had the sign in their palms.Oguz Khan had blue eyes,called sky-eyed,bushy beard-hair..His helmet shows his face like copper red,his  hair and beard gray-blue so that reason he was called GOK ATA BORU(BOZKURT-GREY WOLF)..He is  a wise,strong commander,he fights both  in two eras..A day crescent and star was reflected  from the sky to his helmet,by this way  it was understood that he was  a mighty man.The meaning is Bozkurt-Greywolf.The mystery :When you notch around the Kayı sign,you can see the head of the wolf.Four notches..This symbolizes the conquest about all four sides in both two eras on the earth.So wolf  head symbolizes Turks like the wolf of Mother Asia..


In all eras Zulqarnain.. Vikings with their helmets .In Greek mythology Megaras called their king Keroessa Golden Horn …Disinformation myths mentioned him..Your forefather Oguz..There were mighty men called Oguz Khan in the next eras.His eneymies portraid him as a horned satan!!
You are my arcane Khan with double horn helmet
My copper red face Khan
Graywolf of Allah
Like my Ali,Lion of Allah
You have meaning like Ali
Oguz Khan, the wolf of Tengri
Korkut Ata says ’Zulqarnain’
Kulbak Bilge notes for this era

Kayı Tamga
Four notches
See the Wolf!We notched with a yellow pencil.Have you seen the mystery,the wolf?

*Kıraathane: (reading/coffee house)

Oktan Keleş

Çeviri için Oya Kısır Hanım'a teşekkür ederiz...   

Part 1:   http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=3170

Part 2:   http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=3186

Part3: http://www.onaltiyildiz.com/haber.php?haber_id=3192

Bu haber 6,569 defa okundu.


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