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Parallel Line Parallel Zionism

21 Nisan 2014 08:50 tsi
Parallel Line  Parallel Zionism Parallel Line Parallel Zionism



Parallel Line  Parallel Zionism

I didn't give a title to this article as "parallel state". Because it is out of question to think that there is a parallel, pirate (or whatever you say) state inside the structure of grand states, it's impossible! Neither the governments nor the nations let this formation. If this power is controled by a multi-headed dragon, means that there is no safety for the people in any matter. This kind of situations damage the citizens' sociology, psychology and point of views against their government irreparably. An example, the Prime Minister's speech in Diyarbakir which includes Hero Mehmet (common title of all Turkish army members) and all other anonymous heroes: "All of them died to no end"! And the public is on the streets as a reaction... We also heard the people say: "I am not going to let my son to serve in army". It's possible to give more examples but i hope this is enough to get your attentions.

A secretary of state who resigned by reason of "Malpractice Operation", call for his Prime Minister to resign as well. The PM shouted and barked as either solo or chorus with partisan authors by saying "There is a gang and parallel government in state!". The PM is at the level of executive authority in government. The senior advisor of PM & parlementarian Yalcin Akdogan's speech "They conspired the national army and corporations" is an awesome confession! Erdogan shouts "We will clarify this situation". Yes, he must explain and do the necessary action immediately. This "parallel line" must be unveiled, exposed and pubished as required against to daring! Because the government is not the same thing with state! It's the executive authority organisation of state! And this organisation must expose this evil structure as soon as possible, this is their mission but not in a way of arresting few innocent persons or performing unsatiably procedure after these assertive expressions! Otherwise there becomes a picture which shows the government as one side of this parallel line. Any international operations possible? Of course it is, this is normal. This is the usual activity of foreign powers. The government's duty is avoid these operations as well. In the past, all governments has became subject of this kind of operations but it is so ridiculous to personalise these attacks. The main thing is the continuousness of the state, not the politicians. Erdogan goes, Mertdogan comes.. The State is Eternal!

The PM who governs this country announced there is an organism which is conspirator amd related to foreign powers. Henceforward, he has to expose amd punish this illegal organism as soon as possible. Otherwise he will be breakimg the law. If he doesnt need to do this action, its not possible for the nation to respect, trust or be faithful to the government mentality. No U turn anymore! This illegal organisation must be exposed and punished immediately! The rights and the freedoms of the people which are abused because of this organism's conspiracy, must be given back.

Turkish state arrests the rabbit with the oxcart. (Turkish Aphorism)

The government & PM' s sincerity will not be judged if they reveal this illegal organisation at least. Moreover, he may gain sympathy if it comes to mean he accepts his own mistakes.

Publishing the National Security documents as a napkin for all world to see is a great scandal! Is it possible for council to protect the nation's security when they are not strong enough to protect their own own security? The people who are in charge of this fault must be punished examplarily! Some people claims that "These papers can be served and published for the public weal".  Get Stuffed! In that case publish other profitable informations if you need to serve something! Why these journalists never publish any damning documents against to Vatican, Israel, USA, EU or others?

For example, let me publish one sample of foreign betrayals, the proof document of British infidelity! In point of fact, the journalists must know this document is truly for the public weal! (Please kindly find the translation of documents below.)









They built and sold us the "Mesudiye" ironclad and prowl to sink since the day of delivery to Ottoman Navy and unfortunatelly the ironclad was sunl by B11 submariner's torpedos into Canakkale waters. Our intelligence service has received the information about this operation. Here you can find the letter which is captured from British sordids. (This letter is ready to be donated to Naval Military Museum if it's requested in a month.) Why only for a month? If they request after 2 years, the letter might have been given to any other corporations in this period. We say "in 1 month" in order that not to become liar. (One month duration is valid for our all grant announcements.)

Let's get back to main issue. Either parallel government or the justice which is placed into the shoebox must be revealed. The corruption can not be hidden by any excuse. Liable persons must be punished obviously, no matter who holds the end of the rope!

Parallel Zionism

Now let's move to another issue. The famous Islamic conservative government and sides -without exceptions- who always speak of Allah, prophet and Kur'an and the senses over the electors. Some supporters say: "They are mujahid, fighters of Islam, chosen blessed personalities." Some voters have point of view as they are "Mahdi, Khalif". Some religious orders and communities approve this opinion. Some sheiks whisper this notion into the brains. Of course we "without exceptions"! Anyway let's move forth. They are the enemies of Israel and Zionism,Masons, USA and etc. It's believed that these demonic powerd always try to supersede them. (It's true) They always fight against these demonic powers (It's not true) Lot's of argument can be example but no need to talk too much on it. Actually this is the principle: The zionists -let it not be misunderstood- hide the donkey first and watch the people' rush then let only "chosen one" to find it. And if the target is the conservative and islamist side of the nation, they call the "chosen one" as mujahid leader! The hero is ready for this part of society anymore, he is always true even if he is in lawlessness or grafts. Then you hear the superstitions as "this leader is sent by God, it's a divine destiny, etc. In fact the time goes by, it is seen that they returned to begining and the materials become ready for the operation to next government as well. We dont even mean to say all the governments are commanded by Zionism. Not the all but there are some and the main reason is getting close relationships with them. The line is installed inside out by this relations. They got wet on this road together with the song "We walked on the same line together."

For example, deceased Menderes is still being remembered with this words. "Ezan is recited under favour of him" That's it! From that moment on, under any circumstances he becomes a hero even if he makes so many mistakes during the period he conducts the state. Ozal has removed the article 163 and this action was enough to prove his valour. Erdogan' s "One Minute" word is also enough to prove his bravery. In fact the lowdown is different, he is close friend of Masons, Zionists, Papas. The day after "One Minute" speech, he claims that the target of speech was moderator and the minefields are tried to be given under control of Israel. The greatest relation with interest lobby is connected to government and it's normal. The lobby is attached to Finance Ministry. No need to give more details, it's clear. I'm so anxious about how many Israel based company are directly in touch with this government? I would like to ask a question to whom claims that our Prime Minister still fights with Israel. As of being first Muslim leader, why does the Prime Minister still holds the Jewish medal on his chest? Who are the signers in front of the giant statue of Papa? Who says " I am the co-chairman of Big Israel Project (BOP)"? I seem to hear someone who says that "They must have secret plan and you can't know it". They mean to say "Who the hell are you man?" .  Metropolis Municipality of Istanbul announced that they got service for special costume design from Cemil Ipekci. In other words, Cemil Ipekci has clothed Topbas's municipality. So whats wrong with that? The wrong is, we try to point out that they push people to percieve this action in different way while they walk hand by hand with them and moreover create new relative relations. I seem to hear some voices like "Money has no religions" etc. but the most delicate part of parallel sionism is here. Please do not ask this question: "Why dont you struggle with the other political parties?" My aim is to point out the politicians who are called as Mujahid, Masih, Khalif, Mahatma and the politic which is made on the base of Islam. The others' argument are already different and they have so many materials to be criticised.      


I wonder whether how many millions of dollar were spent from the public treasury? Bush was satisfied so much owing to the fashion show which's organised in honour of his visit to Turkey. Bush has sent a signed photo as thanking which was taken during the fashion show. You can find Bush-his wife, Mesut Yilmaz-his wife and Ozal-his wife in the picture and one more person who came to the table on the advancing hours. Who is it? I will keep it for myself...

Place: Dolmabahce Sarayi: Ozal, Bush, his wife and Mesut Yilmaz are watching the fashion show. Activities, shows, etc. Ozal blows some kisses to the show girls. The cruel Bush and the vassals will be welcomed with the best hospitality, no trouble. The point which i call your attention is; to whom Ozal assigned a duty to arrange this organisation and reinforced with this compliment through his secretary general's letter, especially on those days?





    In other word, the performance and the sensations are so different. Otherwise i dont even care who arranged an organisation for which special guest. I would like to ask one more question concerning that day as well: Why was Bush pushed to bite the ceremonial "Red Apple" on the table? They told "Bet 1, get 3", so where? anyway, everything is so clear.

If i attended that meeting, i would organise a performance which is made by   Bursa Sword-Shield Team. When the Anatolian Braves hit the sword to the shield in front of Bush, it would be clearly seen that our sword is still rustless!
Please do not say "Come on, you reactionist man" , just remember the tribe which has performed their traditional Haka Dance in front of Demirel.



           Well, Dear Erdogan and his media who calls the religious community as parallel government, please answer this this multiple choice question, for god's sake!

The Vice Prime Minister says: May Allah not seperate us from each other reffering to the relation between Hodja Fethullah and themselves.

What's the meaning of this sentence?

a) Factiousness

b) Strategy

c) Ulterior Motive

d) Sincerity

e) Parallelism

f) None

Please do not get me wrong, i didnt revile our statesmen aforesaid especially deceased ones. In conclusion, they are/were at the highest position of the Turkish State. My aim is only to get your attention to the contradiction between perception and reality. And some words came back to my memory: "Bush, my friend" , "I missed my dear friend Obama's voice"!

I think it's the best way to finish my words with this verse of Kur'an, dedicated to people who choose the way of trusting EU, USA and Vatican. Politics, trade, diplomacy is at one side, sensational friendship is at the other side...

"You, who have attained to faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies, they are only protecting friends of one another. Whoever of you disobeys this commandment, will be counted as one of them. Surely Allah does not guide the cruels for the right way."  Maide 51

Sincerely Yours

Oktan Keleş



Twitter: @oktankeles

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